Saturday, April 12, 2014

STILL Fangirling

Back in January, a friend and I stopped by The Booksellers bookstore in downtown Cincinnati. We were checking out the young adult shelves when we spotted autographed copies of this gorgeous fairytale DOON. I read the book within the week and loved it. I wrote a blog post about it (click  if you’d like to read the post...assuming I've linked it correctly), I tweeted about it, I told all my YA reader friends about it. That was January.

Tuesday—April now—I got a Twitter direct message from Lorie Langdon, one of the authors of DOON. She asked if I’d be interested in helping her (and others) promote the next DOON book. I freaked out with excitement. I sent my friend, the one who’d discovered the book with me, a text message with exclamation points, which I’m usually frugal about using. I wrote a blog post about it—because blog posts are what I do—and how much of a fangirl I was. I didn’t mention Lorie Langdon because I had so little information that I wasn’t sure I could share.

Well, yesterday Lorie left a comment on my post saying I could tell, so now I’m telling.

Y’all, I’ve been asked to help promote Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp’s DESTINED FOR DOON…and I’m ecstatic about it. I did a quick Amazon search and found out the book’s release date is set for September 2, at which another fangirl moment ensued. Usually it’s a year or more after I’ve read a book I love before the sequel is released. Maybe I was a little late in discovering DOON…or maybe I discovered it at just the right time. Regardless, I’m so excited about this opportunity that I’m telling you again how much I love DOON.

Like I said in that January blog post, if you like fairytales, YA, hot guys, or best friends, you should read DOON. If you need some extra incentive, if you don’t believe me based on that, check out the beautiful cover:

If that doesn’t draw you in, go to your nearest bookstore and pick up the book. Read the jacket and see if you aren’t sucked in by the first sentence or two like I was.

Whether or not you read it, you’re probably going to hear a lot about it from me in the coming months. I’ll also keep telling you about other books I love and about my quest to publish my own book(s). Because blog posts about reading and writing are what this fangirl does.

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