
Tracy grew up in northeast Indiana and began writing fiction in elementary school. Her first unofficially published book, bound by an in-school publishing department and written in fifth grade, was called THE ENCHANTED RAINFOREST.

In high school, more often than not, Tracy wrote during class and at lunch, completing her first novel her senior year. (That was years ago...and the novel has been hidden away ever since, where she intends for it to stay.)
At Valparaiso University, Tracy continued her studies in literature and writing, learning more about technique and studying other writers. She also took courses in biology (focusing on genetics) and chemistry, which influenced her writing. During her senior year, Tracy wrote a second novel under the guidance of her professor, a published author. (This novel was stowed with the first after misguided query attempts.) She graduated from Valparaiso with a BA in English with a minor in French and a BS in biology with a minor in chemistry.
After graduation, Tracy moved to Cincinnati and took a break from writing to start a career in the sciences. Not long after finding a job in the flavor industry, she began writing again. (She missed it too much.) Also, she become obsessed with YA novels, reading every day.

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