Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fight Club

There’s this movie called Fight Club. I saw it once, back in college maybe, and I don’t remember much about it aside from the poster

and the fact that Brad Pitt and Edward Norton star in it (which, yeah, I think I know just because of the poster). What’s the plot? What is Fight Club? Honestly, I have no idea. But I do know that you aren’t supposed to talk about Fight Club. (Aunt V and Uncle J would be proud of me for at least knowing that.) Why can’t you talk about it? Again, no idea.

Recently, an author friend invited me to join a group of writers that reminds me a little of Fight Club. First off, the group is specifically labeled secret. Second, its membership is limited and by invite only. I accepted the author friend’s invite, not sure what to expect.

What I found was overwhelming. I scrolled through the list of members, noticing over and over again that I have books by many of these authors. One of my favorite authors ever is one of the group’s moderators. Right there, I was sure I didn’t belong in the group. I almost sent a message to my author friend to ask if she’d made a mistake.

But the more time I spent reading posts, the more I realized I’m as much a part of this group as the well-known authors. Alongside all the authors, there are other writers like me who are deep in the query trenches. We query trench writers can ask advice from the others, knowing that they’ve been there before and have the answers we need. I love it.

I don’t comment on most posts because published authors are asking the questions. I have so little experience, but I’m learning what it’s like to be on the other side, the agented side, the side where they’ve published books (plural!) and know how the whole industry works. Part of me is jealous, wondering if I’ll always be stuck on this side, where the trenches are. But most of me is so grateful my author friend invited me along so I can read, learn, and get to know so many authors and what author life is like.

I wish I could say more, but like I said, I’m pretty sure this group is a Fight Club for writers. And you’re not supposed to talk about Fight Club.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I understand about the query trenches. If you ever get inviting privileges, I'd love to join that Club. :) And Fight Club is so worth seeing again!
