Saturday, August 16, 2014

Pitch Wars: Pimp My Bio

I’ve clicked the submit button on my Pitch Wars entry!

Now, here’s more about my MS and why the Pitch Wars mentors should PICK ME!!!


·         THE BUTTERFLY GHOST is a YA thriller with a sci-fi twist. Think Alias meets Fringe…only for teens.

·         Just to be extra clear, my MS is NOT paranormal. Yes, I have the word ghost in my title. But it’s not what you think. Hence the sci-fi twist. After winning a query critique from Michelle Hauck, I worked extensively with her to make sure my query didn’t come off as paranormal. I hope we succeeded.

·         One of my favorite things about YA is the teen romances. So, yeah, I’ve got romance. And a kiss. Just one. And it’s a good one. (Just ask my CPs.)

·         Spies! Who doesn’t love spy stories? I’ve been hooked since Alias, but also loved Chuck and couldn’t get enough of Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls series. Not that all of my characters are spies. In fact, very few are. And some of those are characters you wouldn’t guess initially.

·         In my query, I call my main character a science geek. (So am I. Are you?) My MC talks about Schrödinger’s cat, g-forces, and black holes. She’s taking chemistry and physics, analyzes the whole ghost (NOT ghost) situation like it’s a science problem, and watches Star Trek with Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine. She likes Through the Wormhole and loves Mythbusters. Also, I love Mythbusters. I was on Mythbusters once (well, sort of):

And speaking of me,
·         Not that this has anything to do with my MS or Pitch Wars, but my last name is pronounced go + key. Gokey…Goeke. I’ve only had it a little over a year, but I’ve heard so many people say it so many wrong ways.

·         I love cake. No, seriously. This is a perfectly good reason why you should pick me.

·         I read YA. I write YA. I LOVE YA.

·         I graduated from college with a BA in English and a BS in biology and chemistry. When I wasn’t writing or reading, I was studying genetics, biochemistry, and astrophysics. This means I was doubly qualified to write this MS. (Plus, being a science geek, I loved researching those little details I’d forgotten post-college.)

·         I’m a grammar girl. This means if you pick my MS, you aren’t going to run into grammatical errors. We might disagree about commas, but that’s okay. FYI, I’m an Oxford comma girl.

·         I lead a quiet life, which basically means I have ALL THE TIME to work on revisions. I’m dedicated. There’s nothing like a good deadline and the hopes of a dream come true to drive me. I want to make my MS the best it can possibly be. Because I WANT AN AGENT. I WANT A PUBLISHED BOOK. (Well, okay, more than one would be amazing, sublime.)

·         I want this BAD. I’ve been writing since elementary school and I’ve tried querying a couple of other manuscripts, but they weren’t ready and I wasn’t ready. I’M READY NOW. So is THE BUTTERFLY GHOST. So pick me. Pretty please.

Thanks to Dannie Morin for hosting this contestant blog hop! If you want to check out other mentees, go here.

Also, thanks (and so beyond that) to Brenda Drake for hosting Pitch Wars! If you want to read more about the contest, go here.


  1. Everyone should be an Oxford comma girl (or boy, or whatever construct a person might use to describe themselves)! Best of luck in PitchWars!

  2. Your manuscript sounds great. LOVED Alias.
